Unlimited Support

Perform diagnostics on your PC to identify any problems.
Basic Windows Support
Provide support with basic operations within the Windows Operating System.
Email Support
Provide support with email including password retrieval and email functions.
On-Site Support
Provide support on site with any issues with the Operating System or other software within the PC.
Remote Support
Provide support using a remote control software, allowing the technician to make changes on the PC from Hughes IT Services.
Hardware Support
Provide support on the physical hardware on the PC in the event of mechanical failure.
Install anti-virus software to lower the chances of exposing the PC to harmful virsues.
Web Filter
Set up a web filter to stop employees from visiting time-wasting and inappropriate sites.
Managed Updates
Conduct various updates to software on the users PC.
IT Documentation
Provide customer with all necessary documentation as an IT professional. (i.e. equipment agreement for employees, instructions on how to setup email, etc.)
Equipment Installation
Perform the initial hardware setup and software installation of new equipment.
Off-Site Remote Backups
Perform periodic backups of PCs and information to be stored at an offsite server for safe keeping.
Semi Annual Preventative Checklist
Provide checklist, to be executed semi-annually, to ensure all measures are taken to preserve equipment.
Data Recovery
Our technicians will use any backups to help restore lost data.
Phone Support
Provide technical support over the phone.

Unlimited PC Support from Hughes IT Services

$80 / Month per User